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Air Conditioning Copper Theft Solutions
The CopperWatcher™ is the premier solution to the explosion in air conditioning coil theft for scrap copper. CopperWatcher™ targets the connections thieves’ compromise to steal an air conditioner with unsurpassed reliability. CopperWatcher stops thieves as early in the theft attempt as possible.

CopperWatcher™ Copper Theft Solution Learn About CopperWatcher™
CopperWatcher™ supervises power and refrigerant pressure to the A/C. When power is shut off, or copper tubes are cut, the CopperWatcher™ sends a signal to the existing burglar alarm system. The burglar alarm systems loud siren sounds drawing attention to the would-be thieves. CopperWatcher™ is intelligent enough to tell the difference between a purposeful shut down and a local power outage, and will not send a “false alarm” to the security panel. Saving you a possible fine with your local authorities and the nuisance the audible alarm will cause.
Purchasing CopperWatcher
CopperWatcher is available on line at the CopperWatcher store. Licensed Alarm and Air Conditioning contractors click this link Online Registration and register for wholesale pricing. Alarm and HVAC distributors call in for distributor pricing 817-684-1216.
Bob Frederick
Healthcare Facilities Copper Theft
This theft, like so many others, could have been prevented if a
CopperWatcher monitoring device was installed on the A/C
systems. CopperWatcher will stop a thief as early in the theft
attempt as possible. The second the thief turns off the power
or cuts the copper tube, CopperWatcher sends a signal to the
existing security alarm system, activating the alarm
system’s siren.
With thousands installed not ONE A/C system has been stolen.
Don’t wait till it’s too late! Have the CopperWatcher installed
Contact us at 817-684-1216 for detailed information or visit us
#CopperTheft #HVACSecurity #ProtectYourBusiness #CopperWatcher #StopTheft
(A CopperWatcher device could have prevented this theft by detecting when someone attempts to remove copper from the HVAC unit and triggering an immediate alert to the alarm company. This would have allowed for a swift response, potentially deterring the thief or apprehending them before they could cause significant damage.)
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Secure your business with CopperWatcher today.
Call us at 817-684-1216 or visit for more info.